Delaware Business Blog

The Wilmington Economic Development Corporation- supporting the entrepreneurial spirit

Make no mistake about it. Small businesses are the life blood of local communities. They provide more jobs than any other sector of the economy. When small businesses succeed and grow, the local community has the chance to thrive with them.

It’s symbiosis.

When small business owners look for financing to establish, expand or relocate their operations, they sometime finds that conventional sources are often limited.

That’s where The Wilmington Economic Development Corporation (WEDCO) comes in.

WEDCO is a non-profit organization that provides assistance small business owners in Wilmington and New Castle County, Delaware with access to capital, financial counseling and other types of support.


to promote the economic development of the Wilmington area by providing financing to businesses which are not able to obtain the financing they need through traditional channels.

WEDCO wants to help you!

The idea is to develop and broaden a solid base of area small businesses by focusing on helping those businesses which will create or retain jobs; they want to feed the symbiosis.

Special programs for women and minority owned businesses as well as businesses in targeted geographic areas are available through WEDCO, including:

  • Gap Financing
  • SBA 504 Program
  • Microloans and Short-Term Contract Financing

    Have more questions?
    Try visiting the FAQ page on their website, or contact WEDCO by completing an online form, sending an email, or calling directly at 302-571-9088.

    4 thoughts on “The Wilmington Economic Development Corporation- supporting the entrepreneurial spirit

    1. Russell Rozanski Post author

      Alan- Thanks for sharing that info from the SBA. Like the press release says, Small businesses are truly the “job creators” of our economy.

    2. Pingback: Delaware Business Blog » Blog Archive » Small Business Profile: DELAWARE

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