Seven Hotels Recognized as Delaware Green Lodging Hotels
- Quality Inn & Suites, New Castle
- Holiday Inn Express, Bethany Beach and Rehoboth Beach
- The Atlantis Inn, Rehoboth Beach
- Embassy Suites, Newark
- The Awaken Inn, Millsboro
- The Biden Environmental Training Center, Lewes
The above hotels have been recognized as Delaware Green Lodging Hotels for implementing basic green lodging practices that conserve natural resources, save money and enhance their marketing potentials as environmentally-responsible businesses. The announcement, which brings the total number of Green Lodging Hotels in Delaware to twelve, was made by program partners – the Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control and the Delaware Hotel and Lodging Association.
From the DNREC website:
- Average-sized hotels purchase more products in one week than 100 families do in a year. We want at least 50 percent of those purchases to be environmentally preferable products.
- Waste generation can be as high as 30 pounds per room per day; as much as 80 percent of these materials can be recycled.
- Hospitality industry spends $3.7 billion a year on energy. Electricity use accounts for 60-70 percent of the utility costs of a typical hotel.
- A significant portion of Delaware’s food waste comes from the hotel and lodging industry. This food waste can be composted and/or donated to charities.
- Typical hotels use 218 gallons of water per day per occupied room. Water-efficient fixtures can reduce water and sewer bills by 25-30 percent.
All of these items make the hospitality industry ripe for Green improvements. So congratulations to the latest additions to the Delaware Green Lodging Program. The full list of participants and more information on joining the program are available here.
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