Delaware Business Blog

Port of Wilmington Maritime Society 31st Annual Dinner

The Port of Wilmington, Delaware is a full-service deepwater port and marine terminal handling over 400 vessels per year with an annual import/export cargo tonnage of over 4 million tons. Today, Delaware’s port is the busiest terminal on the Delaware River.

The Port of Wilmington is # 1 Port in North America for:

Imports of Fresh Fruit
Imports of Bananas
Imports of Juice Concentrate
Largest Dock-Side Cold Storage Facility

What can you expect this year at the annual POWMS dinner?

  • State of the Port Address
  • Presentation of the Scholarship Award
  • Presentation of the Babiarz Award- Senator (ret.) Andrew “Andy” Knox recipiant
  • Presentation of the Seafarer’s Friend Award
  • WHEN: Wednesday, November 12, 2008
    Cocktails begin at 6:00 pm!
    WHERE: Hotel DuPont, Gold Ballroom
    11th and Market Streets, Wilmington, DE
    COST: Members: $70 per person / $560 per table (8)
    Non-members: $80 per person / $640 per table (8)

    For more information or to register, call Sean Kathleen Curran at the Port of Wilmington Maritime Society at (302) 656-7000.

    One thought on “Port of Wilmington Maritime Society 31st Annual Dinner

    1. Russell Post author

      Here’s a bit of an update:

      Evening Events

      begins: 6 pm with cocktails followed by dinner

      State of the Port Address
      Eugene Bailey, Executive Director
      Diamond State Port Corporation

      Presentation of the John E. Babiarz Award
      presented to Senator Andrew G. Knox

      Scholarship Awards
      presented to Robert Douglas Saltsman
      and Matthew David Senseny

      Seafarers’ Friend Award
      presented by Joan Lyons Director
      Seamen’s Center of Wilmington

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