Delaware Business Blog

IRS Audits increase in 2005

Internal Revenue Service

Are the days of laissez faire once again coming to a close?

IRS Commissioner Mark J. Everson recently released a statement regarding the status of enhanced enforcement activities by the agency to ensure everyone pays their fair share

More than 10,000 more audits of small businesses organized as corporations were conducted during fiscal year 2005 than in the previous year according to recent enforcement data released by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). The number of large corporations and wealthy individuals audited also increased during the fiscal year ending September 30.

17,867 audits of small businesses organized as corporations were conducted representing an increase of more than 10,000 audits from the 7,294 conducted in 2004.

Audits of Small Businesses

If you like charts and data you check them out online:

FY 2005 Enforcement and Service Data

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