Home Based Business Forum- Creating the Successful Entrepreneur

WHEN: Wednesday, March 15, 2006
WHERE: County Chamber – Suite #201
TIME: 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
TOPIC: Creating the Successful Entrepreneur: Plan Your Path To Success
PRESENTER: Tim Walsh, Financial Synergies Management, Inc. (FSMI)
COST: No charge to attend. Pre-registration requested.
This program will detail the need for a solid strategic business plan and how to utilize it to make day to day decisions. You will understand the need to create daily, weekly and monthly action items to ensure you’re meeting your plan goals and moving toward success. We will emphasize the need for a good marketing plan that aligns with your overall strategic business plan.
To register to attend, please reply to John McKay at the NCCCC.
Email: John McKay
Phone: 294-2063
- International Council of Delaware Quarterly Meeting- March 15, 2006
- Impacting Development in New Castle County