Delaware Business Blog

EPSCoR Hopes to bring economic developmet to Delaware

The National Science Foundation as part of NSF’s Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR), has awarded the University of Delaware, Delaware State University, Delaware Technical & Community College and Wesley College $15 million grant.

The principal goals of EPSCoR are:

  • To build a competitive and sustainable research capability in environmental science;
  • To develop future scientists and technologists; and
  • To drive the educational, social and economic benefits of the research
  • So, how does this grant hope to promote economic developmet in the State of Delaware?

    EPSCoR catalyzed the establishment of the Delaware Science & Technology Council, which has developed a strategic planning process to manage science and technology opportunities in the state. Three Small Business Innovation Research Program (SBIR) Phase Zero awards have been made to Delaware companies, resulting in a Small Business Technology Transfer Program (STTR) award to one of the recipients.

    Delaware State University acting president, Claiborne Smith, said the new EPSCoR funding would allow DSU to establish the Center for Integrated Biological and Environmental Research (CIBER), which will enhance the existing research network and partnerships.

    “We hope this will lead to many more collaborative efforts to leverage Delaware’s assets and resources to bring new high-tech jobs and grow the opportunities for our people in the state of Delaware,” Smith said.

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