Doing Business & Investing in Japan- UPDATE!
Here’s the updated info I promised on the business opportunities in Japan seminar hosted by the WTCDE:
SPEAKER: Gov. Yoshihiro Murai
Miyagi Prefecture, Japan
Monday, April 23, 2007
2:00 – 4:00 pm
Dover Downs Conference Center
Festival Buffet
Dover, DE
Free is good.
The export of high-technology products such as office supply equipment and electronic components has been increasing in recent years in Miyagi. Imports of food and various industrial products have also been increasing. In terms of trade partners, as a result of becoming a signatory country with the WTO (World Trade Organization) in 2001, China with its rapidly growing economy, South Korea, and other Asian nations have had a tendency to increase their share in the markets of Miyagi.
Sendai International Trade Port (Sendai Shiogama Port – Sendai District) and Sendai Airport have been improved and newly developed since the 1990’s, and an international container waterway and international regular flights have been provided for. As a result, the import/export cargos passing through local ports and airports are increasing.
Miyagi Prefecture also boasts its traditional kokeshi dolls, Ogatsu ink stone, Naruko lacquer-ware and Sendai chest as traditional handicrafts. Fishery products such as sasa-kamaboko (bamboo-leaf shaped fish paste), miso paste, soy sauce, sake and nyumen noodles are also represented as traditional industries.
Advance Registration is required.
For more info, download the flyer.
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